Monday, 23 March 2015

2nd Feedback Improvements

After this feedback we have tried to improve some of the problems that our peers picked up. We have tried to lift the red from the mirror scene so it stands out more and we tried doing it by increasing the saturation and brightness of the shot. However we could not brighten the red without making her look bright pink. We have also searched online for more solutions but unfortunately we could not find many and some of the ones we found were too complicated to do as her hand moves around a lot.

They mentioned that some of our shots were too long and it needs more movement so we have made them a little shorter by cutting in some more performing shots in different locations. However because our footage are quite still most the time so we could not add in too much movement unless we re-film most of it, which we do not have the time for. We have tried cutting most shots to the beat to hope that it moves smoother when playing and create a little bit more movement.

Friday, 20 March 2015


Today we have re-edited some of the footage so it cuts on the beat and we also changed some shots around to make sure the narrative make sense. We then finished the graphics for the green screen shots on After Effects.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

2nd Feedback from Peers

After the improvements we made, we had another rough cut review as a class.

Here are the feedbacks we got from them this time.

From these feedbacks we found...

- Special effects is good
- Narrative is clear
- Good use of colours (match genre well)
- Good Costume Choices
- Good Camera Shots

- Some shots were too long
- The mirror with lipstick scene is too dark/dull
- Need more variety of shots and more movement
- Phone part was too long

Some of them again said it was out of sync but others said synchronisation was good so we are certain that it is just the way Matilda sings that makes it look a bit out of sync.

This time our teachers said that we should edit more on the beat so shots cut when it needs to and that will keep it entertaining throughout. They also picked up in the colourisation of the mirror scene to be a bit dull but overall they think it was good.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Kingston Re-Shoot - Behind The Scenes

Kingston Reshoot:
2nd March 2015
 On Monday, we did some more performance shots in front of the graffiti wall to use through the whole video for different locations for the performance shots.
 We had a problem with the lighting because it was a lot sunnier on Monday than when we filmed before and we thought it wouldn't match the rest of our video but it was cloudy for a while so we filmed during that time. We also had a problem with the wind, and Matilda's hair kept blowing into her face, but we decided to put her hair in a side braid to take her fringe off her face. After that we went to Canbury Park to re-film John and Matilda's part and we realised that Matilda wasn't wearing the same jacket as last time so we had to film the whole section again. A benefit of this was that the lighting is consistent through that section whereas if we had alternated between the old footage and the new footage then the lighting would have been different in every shot.